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Earlier models of Bering Optics Clip-on attachments, including the Hogster-C “Universal” and Super Yoter-C “Universal,” featured an eyepiece that converted the clip-on into a monocular. However, the newer models, the Hogster-C “Dedicated” and Super Yoter-C “Dedicated,” employ a different optical scheme that enhances image quality but does not support easy conversion to a monocular. The Detachable Eyepiece resolves this issue. Introducing the 2.0x Detachable Eyepiece, compatible with the "Dedicate" Hogster-C (BE43142-D), "Dedicated" Super Yoter-C (BE46150-D) thermal clip-on attachments, and the D-950 (BE73950) night vision clip-on.
· This eyepiece is specifically designed to transform your thermal and night vision (NV) clip-ons into scanners with a 2.0x native magnification.
· Features a straightforward “screw-in” installation for easy setup.
· Allows the clip-on user to observe the entire field of view and visually control the settings of all image adjustment functions.